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Pre-Pregnancy weight: 195 lbs.

Current Weight at end of pregnancy: 202 lbs.

January 09, 2006 - 4:31 p.m.

What is it with the beach and the fascination of the water meeting with the sand? Whatever it is, it's wonderful. I took my kids to the beach today because it was so beautiful. It was in the 60's, not too windy and VERY sunny. We went, dipped our feet in the very frigid waters for a brief minute and decided to just play in the sand. We stayed for a little over an hour and the kids were sleeping before we drove 2 blocks. It's great to not have to drive on the interstate to get to and from the beach.
After dropping the Natives at home with Schuyler, I did a quick trip over to the Asian Market for some kim chee and a thing of hot bean paste(for my friend). As I was standing in line, I studied the gorgeous elderly Chinese woman in front of me. (Not obviously though because that's rude!) I really think that Asians have this ability of getting more beautiful as they age. Not all can do this but the majority can. Take my Korean grandmother, I think she is the most gorgemus grandmother in the world. Anyhow, back to my story, I was standing there and listening to her talk to the cashier in Chinese. And then her daughter joined in along with her husband to talk. Let me tell you, spoken Chinese is like a song you wish you knew. I half wished I knew what they were saying but I knew if I did, I wouldn't appreciate the melodic sound of the language itself.

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