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Pre-Pregnancy weight: 195 lbs.

Current Weight at end of pregnancy: 202 lbs.

March 09, 2006 - 10:44 a.m.

So this morning I noticed that Eliza has a little rash. Not too bad, I knew that I could just let her run around without a diaper on for a little bit and it'll be gone. Well, also, I noticed that it's a gorgeous day outside. It's about 68/69 degrees outside. I left my back door open to let in some fresh air forgetting about the fact that the open back door is a temptation Eliza can't resist. Lo and behold, Moira is outside and Eliza is out there with her nake butt and all! It was very funny because she had her shirt on but no dipe. :) Needless to say, her tush is no longer rashy thanks to the sun and air on her butt. LOL.
Good thing that my back yard is closed with a privacy fence so no one could see my nakey baby but I've got to make sure my naked baby doesn't go outside too often!! Keep them inside! :)
Onto something else, a month ago, we bought a portable dvd player. Mainly just for long trips 45 min or longer in the car. Well, Moira thinks now that she needs to watch it EVERY SINGLE time we're in the car! It's gotten to the point where I've just taken it out of the car. Shoot, we watch enough at home, we don't need to watch it more in the car too! UGH.
Okay, now I'm going!

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