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Pre-Pregnancy weight: 195 lbs.

Current Weight at end of pregnancy: 202 lbs.

September 27, 2007 - 11:56 a.m.

I am pleased to announce the birth of our SON. He was born Sept. 20 at 5:51 AM. And here is his birth story:

I woke up at 2 am Thursday morning with a pinch like feeling along with a contraction, thought it was a braxton hicks and tried to go back to sleep. But could not so I woke up Schuyler and off we went to pick up his sister (who acted as my doula, she was wonderful) and then headed to the hospital. Since my cerclage was still in place we went as fast as we could so the doctor could take it out before dialation would tear my cervix too much. We arrive at the hospital about 3 and contractions are coming about 2 min apart when they were coming about 5 - 10 min an hour prior AND my water broke too. Soon I was taken back into a triage room (although it did NOT feel like soon enough!) and was checked by an OB. I was 75% effaced and 3-4 cm dialated. As we were waiting for an anesthesiologist and various other docs since I was scheduled for a c-section on Wednesday (the 26th) my contractions start coming faster and soon I had the urge to push. I have never felt that urge so strong in my entire life since my girls never really descended enough for me to have that urge very strong. My whole body curled up on the bed and I had to resist it! That's the worst feeling EVER! I had to not push because I knew my stitch was still in and would ruin my cervix and I didn't want more damage done to it than already necessary. Schuyler and my sister in law were there to support me and to remind to breath and relax and to try not to push.

I was laying on the bed because it was most comfortable for me to labor that way. It felt like my labor with Moira, I did not want to be touched and only wanted Schuyler or his sister talking me through my contractions. All the doctors (I had 2 ob's working with me and an anesthesiologist and about 3 nurses?) were very supportive and wonderful. Much better than at the hospital I gave birth at before! (well, Dr.Gayle was great, the nurses were NOT) Finally Schuyler went to get ready to go in the OR while they wheeled me in there for my spinal and surgery. The anesthesiologist was awesome and got it in quickly. His nurses were so great. I can not say enough good things about them because I was literally crying in there from all the pain and having to move where they needed me. Finally Schuyler came in once the spinal started working and all. The female ob checked me and I was fully dialated, 100% effaced when she tried to take my stitch out. While down there she said "don't be surprised if this kid just comes flying out when I take out the stitch and then you won't need a section after all!" My heart skipped a beat but was prepared for anything! Turns out she could not get it either, it was too high up and was tearing upwards into my cervix. So we went ahead on the section. Soon Schuyler peaked over the sheet when the baby came out. .. I hear "It's a BOY!" and then I heard the best sound in the whole world: My baby's first cry. Since I was put under with my first two, this was the moment I had waited for, to hear and be aware when my children were born. We cried, we were so excited. The anesthesiologist took pics with his camera phone (how funny was that? LOL) and sent them to my email. Soon Schuyler and the baby went to the nursery while the doctors finished up.

Turns out the doctors had to do extensive repair inside me, my uterus had tore under my scar tissue and tore all the way down to my v-jay-jay on the inside. Plus my cervix tore quite a bit from the stitch being in there and they had to take it out from the inside before repairing it. So they were there for 2 hours fixing my insides!

Once in recovery, I was soon reunited with my baby and was able to nurse. He latched on like a champ! But then I had to go back to another recovery room for 3 hours, so off he went again to the observation nursery. The hospital stay, in general, was awesome. The observation nursery fed him a bottle and he had then had latch on issues for a couple days but now he's nursing great again. They don't have a nursery per say like my previous hospital so I had a little trouble getting him in and out of the bassinet thingy to go potty but was fine. I'm glad to be home though.

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