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Pre-Pregnancy weight: 195 lbs.

Current Weight at end of pregnancy: 202 lbs.

June 23, 2003 - 2:57 p.m.

I'm so tired. Hubby's mom came over today at noon to go shopping. We went to Walmart (they didn't have the fabric we needed grr), then we went to Hobby Lobby and we found a picture frame that we liked for the painting she's making for her son's wedding this weekend, and then we went to the grocery store to buy some groceries. All that took about 2 hours. And I am so beat. I think I'm going to lay down for a little nap. Although I should probably start walking again. I was getting tired after 20 min of walking around Wally world. Of course it doesn't help that it's 95 degrees here and the humidity is real bad along with it. Blech.

On a good note, my mom is flying here to see me July 16. She leaves Aug. 10 to go back to Korea. Do the math, that's about 3 weeks, give or take a few days. Should be fun though. I haven't seen my mom since I got married and that's almost 6 years now! Of course I've gained about 50 pounds since I last saw her, but then again, I'm pregnant right now, so about 25 of it is pregnancy related. Or at least I'm hoping that 25 of it is pregnancy related since I only gained about 5 pounds so far. Anyhow.

I'm going to go drink some more water, bake some cookies and start on dinner. (Making lasagna, yummy. Going to freeze half of it so I can eat some next week without having to cook it again!) Maybe I'll take a nap when I put the lasagna in the oven. I'll have about 45 min before it'll be done! YEA!

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