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Pre-Pregnancy weight: 195 lbs.

Current Weight at end of pregnancy: 202 lbs.

March 24, 2006 - 10:10 p.m.

You ever want to say the something eloquent and smart sounding only to have something lame come out instead? I don't know.
I hate it when Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses come to my door. Not because they aren't nice people because they are very nice and polite but because all logical thoughts and arguments leave my brain and so unpolitely leaves my mouth alone to defend my beliefs. They ask the obvious questions like "do you believe in a God, do you go to church, what do you believe, let us show you what we believe" yada yada crap crap. And what I want to say to them is "Oh YOU'RE the ones that believe that, here let me show you from my Bible what I believe and then you can tell me where in the Bible your beliefs are. Then maybe we can have a discussion as to why I am not fill in door to door religion and you are what you are." Instead of that coming out of my mouth, comes this: "I don't believe what you believe" Then this inevitably follows with the question of why? I, of course, can NOT for the life of me answer that because all educational religous answers are gone, on vacation to somewhere, probably Spain, who knows for certain. But I can tell you that you probably rang my doorbell at the precise moment I'm changing diapers (more then likely those were poopy stinky disasters and I'm covered in it) and both my kids are trying to escape outside with bare bottoms.
But today, no such religous person came to door. I was just thinking I should write a list and stick it in my Bible and then put it on the kitchen table. that way it's handy and I don't have wonder which country my brain went on vacation to.

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