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Pre-Pregnancy weight: 195 lbs.

Current Weight at end of pregnancy: 202 lbs.

April 30, 2007 - 9:15 p.m.

I made bulgogi for dinner tonight. I was going to make mini pizza's out of english muffins as per Karyl but when I cleaned my fridge out of all the CRAP taking up room in there. I realized I had taken out meat yesterday for bulgogi so I went ahead and made it.

It was SOOOO good. Even the kids ate it. Well, Moira did, Eliza ate a few bites and then started waving lettuce leaves like fans telling us "HOT! Fan mommy, onnee!!" (Onnee is big sister in Korean)It was quite funny and I could barely keep my dinner from spewing because when she did it, I had a mouth full of food! Then she was trying to use her lettuce as a spoon for her rice and only managed to make a big mess but that's alright. Moira did a great job of eating and keeping pretty clean. But one can only expect so much when it's rice and lettuce rolls with meat!

After dinner, I was so full that I was tempted to just plop right on the couch but I didn't. I hauled the kids outside with a portion of the bulgogi to E's house. Dropped that off as they were coming home from the park and my kids convinced her and her kids to come walking with us. Actually Moira rode her bike because E's son was riding his. Good deal because Moira hardly rides her bike. Only bad thing is that Moira's helmet is too small so she can't wear it and her friend had his on and went on and on that he needed his off too. I am such a bad influence. We didn't go far since it was almost dark so that was good. And then we stopped in my backyard where I forgot that I had left water in the kiddie pool and the kids got all soaking wet. Good thing today was bath day for all 4 of them!!! It was 9:30 before my kids got in bed and they are sleeping in mine for that matter!

I'd better go though, I'm tired myself!

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